Argentine Tango?
is a beautiful, fun and exciting dance! It's a great way to meet new
relax, get some exercise, and experience the exhilarating rush of
across the dance floor in a hug and to beautiful music.
And once
learning to tango, you can actually use your skills every week: you are
warmly invited to come dance with other Yalies every Sunday night at
204 York Street (under 21 OK), when the Yale Tango Club holds its
informal practice
dance from 8pm until at least midnight. Free admission, and no
partner needed. The Yale Tango Club is one of the most active social
clubs on campus, and we host special events that draw dancers from all
over North America. Check out the Yale
Tango Club website. We hope to dance with you soon.
Do I need to bring a
partner to the
class at the gym?
No need to bring a partner! There
be many people to dance with. The gender balance is usually as close to
even as it can get with random sampling. The instructor has the dancers
change partners throughout the class (although if you want to stick
your own, that's fine!). This helps everyone learn faster.
Can anyone join?
Anyone can take the class! You don't
to be affiliated with Yale. Of course if you are a student or a member
of the gym, you'll enjoy a special rate.
Where and when
Payne Whitney Gym, at Yale
in New Haven, CT
5th floor Main Exercise Room (next
the elevators)
Tuesday evenings starting the 2nd week of semester.
Beginners 8pm; Intermediate 6.30.
There are 11 or 12 classes in the series, depending on the academic calendar.
class during Thanksgiving or Spring break).
Yale students or Gym Members $60 per
or $120 per couple.
Non-Members $110 per person or $220
How to sign up
Registration will be held at the
Whitney Gym in the lobby the week before the first tango class.
Usually gym registration falls in the first week of the academic
classes; gym classes start the second week.
Gym registration week:
Wednesday from 6:30 am -- 1 pm., and 4-8pm
Thursday noon -- 6 pm or
Friday noon -- 3 pm
You can pay by check or charge it to
account if you are a student.
You can sign up for yourself, or for
+ a friend of either gender using the "couples" option. You don't have
to actually be a couple or even dance with each other, this will just
one person a trip to the registration desk.
Walk-ins during class are accepted
arrive early before the first class in the series, and bring a check or exact change).
Tuesdays from 8-9:30 PM
No previous experience required.
are welcome. You are welcome to repeat this class to fully absorb the
and become comfortable with dancing.
Intermediate class
Tuesdays from 6:30-8 PM.
Previous training and experience
Argentine Tango is a prerequisite. Singles are welcome. You are welcome
to repeat this class to continue developing skills in figures,
floorcraft, musicality, and partnering.
Judy Phelps, Instructor
I-95 North or South to exit 47 in
Haven, or I-91 South to exit 1 in New Haven to the Rt 34 connector
(Richard E Lee Highway).
On the connector go to exit 3. At
light turn RIGHT onto YORK St.
Stay on YORK St. until the 5th light
past "Toad's Place")
At the light turn LEFT onto TOWER
(Grove St becomes Tower Parkway at that intersection)
Yale's Payne Whitney Gym is a large
building straight ahead where the road curves to the left. You can park
on the street (use the meter until 7pm), or make a right turn in front
of the gym, turn left at the stop sign, and left into the parking lot.
The classes are on the 5th floor;
the elevator and turn left or follow the music.
Opportunities to tango
within 1 mile
of where you live
Yale Tango Club
Yale Tango Fest, a national event, every year in late March or early April